While human resources management until recently has still been dominated by administrative priorities and a reactive attitude struggling for recognition, the transformation of tech / digitization, customer and human resources markets require a strong and forward-looking new HR function. The integration of people factors for a successful corporate development and transformation becomes evident everywhere and the business leaders are more and more aware of this fact. The HR processes of recruiting and talent management, performance and change management, personnel planning and learning become crucial for a sustainable deployment of human resources – with strong links to an agile organizational development and customer-centered innovation management. Personnel factors turn into real bottlenecks – and their successful management positions the HR function on par with the central functions of Finance and IT. It should soon become the role model for modern leadership, agile organization, digital transformation and interdisciplinary networking – as a credible strategic partner. “
Zakaria Ibba Limane, MBA
Managing Director and Owner Limane Consulting Services GmbH
on future of the HR function